Although pepper spray is an effective self-defence device, stun guns are also rated as one of the top self defence weapons a victim of crime can deploy, that is non lethal yet effective enough to incapacitate the attacker.
A Stun Gun delivers a debilitating and painful electric shock to an attacker through the prongs of the stun gun causing uncontrollable muscle contractions, interferes with the nervous system and just three seconds of contact will cause confusion, disorientation, loss of balance and immobilization. It is important to remember that personal security devices are defensive weapons that gives the victim of an attack enough time to get away, call for help or to summon the police.
Stun guns come in all colours, shapes and sizes ranging from those small enough to fit into even the smallest handbag or purse to larger more intimidating devices. The more compact stun guns are very popular as they are easy to keep hidden, giving you the element of surprise in an unwanted encounter with a would be attacker. A wide range of different model stun guns that cater for the specific needs of women, are also available. Handheld stun guns are the most commonly purchased devices, although there are a number of different types that range from stun gun flashlights to cell phones and self-defense batons
Another great feature of a stun gun is the loud and frightening electrical crackling sound it makes accompanied by blue sparks that acts as a powerful deterrent and in many cases is all that is needed to cause an attacker to flee. Some models and types require close contact with an attacker although there are stun guns that can be deployed at a greater distance such as a Stun Baton or a Taser, which is similar to a stun gun but can hit targets from a distance. The Taser shoots electrically charged probes attached to the Taser with wires that delivers a powerful, painful and incapacitating electric shock that will stop an attacker in his tracks and drop him to the ground. Tasers can also be used as a Stun Gun after the probes have been fired.