Delivery and Collection


We deliver countrywide and have 3 delivery options:

    The Great Outdoors Warehouse is an online shop, however you can also collect your order from the store in China Mall, Johannesburg.


  • DOOR TO DOOR: R125
    For prompt and efficient delivery, we use The Courier Guy. You will receive a notification on your email with a tracking number, once your order has been shipped. You can track your order here:

    The Courier Guy takes approximately 1 – 3 working days, dependent on the destination.
    Door to Door delivery to townships or remote areas incur extra danger fees and cost is R165.

  • PARGO: R95
    Pargo delivers to a Clicks Pharmacy in your area. You will receive a notification on your email once your order has been shipped as well as a code, once it is ready for collection. Take the code along with the ID to the Clicks pharmacy to receive your parcel. You can track your order here:

    PARGO takes approximately 2 – 4 working days, dependent on the destination.

Orders from The Great Outdoors Warehouse are insured for an amount of up to R2 000.00. Should you prefer a higher shipping insurance, kindly contact us on for more informationPhysical

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