Shooting Blanks

It is a well known fact that the current gun control regulations not only makes it almost impossible to obtain a firearm licence, the rules and regulations that cover the use of deadly force has resulted in a number of people facing murder charges, despite being fully  justified in their actions. Fortunately there are highly effective and non-lethal alternative self-defence weapons, one of which is a Blank Gun also known as a Gas Pistol.

If you are frustrated with all of the barriers and obstacles associated with arming yourself to able to defend yourself and your family, you should consider purchasing a non lethal Blank Gun which is a close-to-exact replica of a traditional handgun that looks, feels, shoots and sounds exactly like a real 9mm pistol, except that it shoots either a blank or pepper cartridge. These self-defence devices are ideal for personal protection and each member of the family can have one and be trained to use it to great effect. In fact several police agencies across the world use these guns as less lethal alternatives to live ammunition during unrest situations and riot control.

The pepper cartridges used in Blank Guns  or gas pistols are highly effective with a range of up to 10m and will incapacitate  any perpetrator for up to 20 minutes rendering them unable to retaliate and giving you time to get to safety. Experts recommend that when loading your blank gun, you load 2 blanks to one pepper bullet, which will allow you to have 2 warning shots and if the enemy doesn’t back off, shoot one pepper shot in the face.

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