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As crime continues to rise, it has become imperative that we ensure that we take the necessary precautions to ensure our personal and families safety and security. One of the most effective non-lethal and underrated self-defense options is a good quality and powerful Pepper Spray. Pepper spray is used in a wide range of applications from a 20ml spray on a keyring to pepper balls that are shot from a Self Defense pistol, Revolver or Shotgun.

The active ingredient in Pepper Spray is Capsaicin, which is derived from chilis. Pepper Spray attacks the mucous membranes of the body, including eyes, mouth and also skin and causes an extremely painful “bubbling” or “boiling” sensation. Followed by temporary blindness, extreme pain in the eyes, burning in the throat, wheezing, gagging and the inability to breathe or speak. These effects not only give the victim of an attack time to escape, but the symptoms can last from 30 to 45 minutes. Pepper Spray is also an effective deterrent that can be used to ward off an attack by an animal and does not cause long term injuries.

One of the most highly recommended Pepper Sprays is the Liquid Bullet Direct Stream Pepper Spray which is specifically designed and developed to release a strong single stream of Pepper Spray up to a distance of 6m, without covering the whole area or even worse, end up in your own eyes. The LIQUID BULLET also has a unique ‘Safety Flip Cap Nozzle’ that prevents it from accidentally discharging if you carry it in your pocket or handbag.

Another option is the Liquid Bullet Pepper Spray Keyring which you can easily attach to your home or car key. It is compact, economical and easy to use and deploy and also comes with a Safety Flip Cap Nozzle. This product is available in a black bottle as well as in pink for the fairer sex.

If you are faced with possible attackers in a room of your house, your roof or in your garden, a Pepper Spray Grenade would be your best option. It is extremely easy to use … you simply push the button and throw and the grenade will discharge a chocking, gagging and debilitating cloud of pepper spray over a wide area.

These inexpensive and highly effective non lethal personal self defense devices are ideal for personal protection as well as something that can be given to the whole family to ensure their safety.

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